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4-D Plumbing & Water

Well Service  

Water Well Services


Home Well Systems


Well Videos 

Well Cleaning

Water Well Rehab

Well Abandonments

Mine Water Well Systems
Cabin Water Systems
Complete Water Well Service
Factory Trained & Certified Personnel

Water System Designs
New Installations

Pump And System Maintenance 


About Us

Our design team has the knowledge, technology, and tools to design the water well system required to meet your needs. We design systems from the most basic water well to very sophisticated industrial installations. Our new style "frost free" pump house has changed the maintenance needs of many well owners by eliminating the need for heat in the winter months. This more efficient installation saves money each winter and relieves stress on the plumbing as well as the owner not having to worry about frozen pipes and power outages. Because we are licensed plumbers you can have the same person install your well pump, controls, expansion tanks, and service lines without having to deal with different contractors. This eliminates confusion and ensures the system is installed correctly the first time while allowing the owner to deal with one company if any warranty issues arise.Constant pressure or CP units have evolved with technology to become a very dependable and desirable option in residential settings. These systems eliminate the need for the traditional expansion tank and provide a more constant pressure to the faucet than does the traditional well system. Ask us about the new CP technology and we will help you determine which system will work best for your needs. We also perform test pumping to determine the total output of wells as all wells are limited to the total GPM (gallons per minute) output they can provide. This service is usually needed in larger production wells such as irrigation and industrial wells, but in some cases is needed in residential situations to determine the size of pump to be used in the well. 

4-D Plumbing & Builder's Supply 

66 South Main Street UT, 84648 


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